Saturday, January 12, 2008

Gujjuphobia !

I start for the day early, when I take the stairs and turn back to ciao aji, inhale the cold air, look at the rising sun and reach at the station sharp at 7:55 AM. I have the days schedule running at the back of my mind, when the train reaches sharp at 8: 02 AM, I enter the compartment - where everyday I see a bunch of crowd positioned in the same manner each day, a maximum number of people reading the Economic Times, some staring at me, some adjusting their tie, some disturbed with my heavy metal songs running in my iPOD, some talking on their cell-phone – And the most of them go – “SU KARVAANU, KAAYI NATTHI, AGADI-PACHADI, BEJA SAATHE JAAU CHU, JHOI LE !!!”

First, I never cared of what it was, then after a month, I got used to it, then was the time when I actually felt that I am traveling in a Andheri-Churchgate Baroda express, then came a time when I blamed my own self to be a Maharastrian, but I never had a problem, it seemed some kind of a sound which starts with a tiny sound which is nothing to a NOISE which is increasing and increasing and increasing – to a LOAD, VIVID NOISE!! Like a cancer – in your ears. Everyday, conversations of stocks to real estate, actors to hotels, wife’s to children, baroda to Narendra Modi’s victory, and I don’t hesitate, I enjoy, I just like it. No choice!!!

I know my self – to stand any human language; Tamil, Telgu or even a MASSAI village language or chinese, but there is no other conversation which I have experienced – which would even break the IRON MAIDEN song – Fear of the dark running in my iPOD in full volume, only one set of people with clean jazzy shirts, a zarda in their mouth, their tight formal pants being wore on the stomach, their hair combed other side – and their lovely language which even breaks my in ears when I reach home in the evening which goes – “BHADDU SU CHE – kaayi natthi – HELLO AAHHH RAMNIKK BHAI, JIGNESSS BOLU CHOO”

(PS: This post is not an intention to harm any religion or caste, but a Overwhelming experience of traveling in a 1st class compartment of Andheri-churchgte-baroda train).

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